8 Foam Rolling Secret Benefits Everyone Should Know

Foam Rolling has benefits and simulates a massage, but are you using it the way the experts are? Check out these secrets to see if you’re SMR (Self-Myofascial Release) recommendations are on point.

1. Foam rolling before a workout has greater benefits than after
For many reasons, people might think foam rolling after a workout is the best bet. It might feel good, but people can gain more from having the best range of motion before a workout instead of after. The secret is, the increased range of motion helps make the workout more effective and reduce the risk of injury.1 Using it after the workout is an added bonus in the experts’ opinion but the real benefit is before the hard work begins.

2. Foam rolling doesn’t prevent soreness the next day
It’s common to think if you just foam roll after the workout, you won’t be as sore. Instead, the research says it can reduce the amount of soreness time and maybe even speed up recovery.2 But the experts know exercise causes muscle damage and there’s no magic cure to avoid the soreness linked with a tough workout.

3. A 30 – 45 second hold on tender areas is the way to make a difference
People sometimes roll back and forth at moderate pace. Like some of the other secrets, this might feel good but doesn’t add the overall value of SMR. When you hold a tender area for at least 30 seconds, you get what you're looking for- the hyperactive muscle to calm down. But, it takes this amount of time in order to signal the brain to relax the muscle, so the secret is to find the tender area and keep applying pressure for the entire 30 seconds.

4. Focus on areas that cause the most trouble
One of the secrets in using foam rolling is all about efficiency and effectiveness. SMR takes time, so people should realize this and only focus on the most problematic muscles. This doesn’t mean the most painful muscles. Instead, it means those that are preventing good range of motion and will be needed during a workout. For example, you might have sore lats and want to roll them, but it’s a lower body day and you know you have tight calves and hip flexors. In this case, you would spend your time wisely, and get your joints moving in the best way possible.

5. Rolling the IT band is ineffective
The IT band is connective tissue- incredibly thick and resistant connective tissue. This means, foam rolling it will do little more than cause discomfort in the area. The goal of SMR is to increase range of motion and get you to move better, so time is better spent on pliable tissue- muscle. Experts realize this and spend their time having clients roll their TFL (tensor fascia latae)- where the IT band connects. Sometimes you think the discomfort in rolling the IT band means it’s working, but experts realize pain is usually the symptom and opt for a more useful approach.

6. Good form is just as important as any other exercise
It’s easy to think foam rolling is time to relax. Meaning, people tend to pay less attention to form when it’s more about the internal feeling they’re looking for when rolling. Perfect form when doing SMR techniques is important so you don’t inadvertently cause more problems. Any form of exercise, when performed incorrectly can make muscle imbalances worse, so foam rolling is no different. Watch for dropping your head or letting it fall forward. Also pay attention to your lower back, making sure it doesn’t arch. Finally check out if your shoulders raise up. With the discomfort that comes with SMR, it’s easy for all these things to happen, so keep up with perfect SMR form.

7. Make sure you don’t tense up on the tender areas
When you find a tender area, I know it’s uncomfortable. Subconsciously, you will tense up in other areas to relieve yourself from the discomfort. This can cause bad form and also reduce the benefits linked to foam rolling. The best trainers know If the pain is too much, it’s better to use a less dense device or regress the intensity than it is to tense up.

8. Everyone should be foam rolling
Unless you have a condition where foam rolling is cautioned (hypertension, osteoporosis, skin condition, etc.), SMR is perfect for most individuals goals. Even a person looking for hypertrophy will benefit from SMR at the beginning of their workout. Remember, better range of motion means better ability to recruit more muscle fibers and maximize each exercise. This means performance, fitness, weight loss, LBM gain, and endurance training can all benefit from SMR techniques.3

1. Sullivan, K. M., Silvey, D. B. J., Button, D., & Behm, D. G. (2013). Roller-massage application to the hamstrings increases sit-and-reach range of motion without performance impairments. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 8 (3), 228 - 236.
2. MacDonald, G. Z., Button, D. C., Drinkwater, E. J., & Behm, D. G. (2013). Foam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense bout of physical activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 (1), 154 - 165.
2. MacDonald, G. Z., Penney, M., Mullaley, M., Cuconato, A., Drake, C., Behm, D. G. & Button, D. C. (2012). An acute bout of self-myofascial release increases range of motion without a subsequent decrease in muscle activation or force. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27, 812 - 821.
3. ISSA Corrective Exercise- Are you doing it right?
4. ISSA Corrective Exercise Specialist