Nutrition Counseling & Meal Plan
Nutrition Counseling & Meal Plan
We have all heard how important our Nutrition is, especially when it is paired with exercise. Unfortunately, most people do NOT know how crucial proper nutrition actually is!
Enough is enough with the trendy fad diets. The truth is in the statistics. Our overweight and obesity rates increase every single year in the United States. If these so called diets actually worked, why are our numbers increasing and not decreasing?
The answer is quite simple … Fad Diets do NOT work. The statistics are overwhelming!
You will learn how to eat for YOUR needs, goals, and lifestyle, so that you will NEVER “Diet” again!
There are no major restrictions to any of your macro nutrients (Protein, Carbs, Fats). We will discuss your needs and goals to determine the best foods for you to eat AND when to eat them!
The Nutrition Counseling is for 12 weeks. We will meet four times in total; Day 1 and then every four weeks. Body composition, weight, and measurements will be taken at each meeting for progress. Nutrient adjustments will be made according to progress at each session.
There is no reason to stress! Once we discover the BEST Nutrition Plan for YOU, you will be provided not only with numbers to match your goals, but you will also receive an easy-to-follow MEAL PLAN!! Simply eat what is in the plan and watch how fast your body changes!
Nutrition Counseling & Meal Plan Pricing
12 weeks = $199.00
*Price shown does not include applicable fees and/or taxes